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Autumn Adventures

My retreat from the post-Amazon-apocalypse-GoodReads. My shelves and my reviews, I hope, will find a safe haven here.


I like to read epic fantasy (the bigger, thicker and longer, the better) and science fiction (perfer space operas).  I also enjoy the occasional biography or history non-fiction.


Out in the real world, I'm an IT professional in the Legal industry.  Tech doesn't scare me or phase me.

Currently reading

Hammered (Iron Druid Chronicles, #3)
Luke Daniels, Kevin Hearne
Progress: 94 %
The Abc Murders - Agatha Christie Not as engaging as And Then There Were None but still an entertaining exercise in murder mystery theatre. I confess I did not discover the true murderer until Hercule Peroit telegraphed it to me in the final chapters. However, I did suspect that the obvious in-your-face suspect was just that - too obvious. For the longest time, I was convinced Inspector Crome was the mastermind behind the serial murders, but thankfully I was wrong on that count.